


Please use public transport whenever visiting Nijo-jo Castle.


541 Nijojo-cho, Nijo-dori Horikawa Nishi-iru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8301
Phone 075-841-0096 Fax 075-802-6181

Directions (journey times are approximate)

From Kyoto Station

  • By Kyoto City Subway
    From JR Kyoto Station - By Kyoto City SubwayFrom JR Kyoto Station - By Kyoto City Subway
  • By Kyoto City Bus
    From JR Kyoto Station - By Kyoto City BusFrom JR Kyoto Station - By Kyoto City Bus
  • By JR Train
    From JR Kyoto Station - By JR TrainFrom JR Kyoto Station - By JR Train

From Sanjo Keihan Station

  • By Kyoto City Subway
    From Sanjo Keihan Station - By Kyoto City SubwayFrom Sanjo Keihan Station - By Kyoto City Subway

From Hankyu Karasuma Station

  • By Kyoto City Bus
    From Hankyu Karasuma Station - By Kyoto City BusFrom Hankyu Karasuma Station - By Kyoto City Bus

By car

  • By carBy car

If you are visiting by public transport, Kyoto City Subway One-Day Pass (valid on the Kyoto City Subway network), and Subway and Bus One/Two day Pass (valid on Kyoto City Subway, Kyoto City Bus, and Kyoto Bus. Exceptions apply) are convenient and money-saving options because they also offer discounted admission (100 yen less the normal price for individual adult ticket) to the Nijo-jo Castle grounds on the day of travel.

Visitor parking

For the safety of road users, and to avoid nuisance and pollution to local residents, visitors arriving by car are asked not to wait or park on nearby roads, and not to keep engines running when stationary. Coaches are asked to avoid residential roads such as Oike-dori, Omiya-dori, and Shinsen’en-dori. Parking spots for coaches become busy around 9:00, 10:30, and 13:30. To alleviate congestion, coach operators are advised to reserve their parking spaces in advance.

Nijo-jo Castle parking lots

○Parking Lot 1 (east of the castle)
Open 8:15 to 18:00 *  ****
(overnight parking available for coaches only between 18:00 and 8:15**)
Space Space for 11 coaches*** and 120 cars (20 coaches*** and 34 cars March to June and September to November).

Price per coach: 3,600 yen (3,300 yen with advance reservation) for the first two hours, 1,500 yen per extra hour Overnight parking costs: 3,300 yen
Price per car: 600 yen for 40 minutes, Same day maximum 1800 yen

Season Rates: 700 yen for 40 minutes, Same day maximum 1800 yen
*March 10th to April 10th and during November

○Parking Lot 3 (south of the castle)
Open 8:15 to 18:00*  ****
Space Space for 20 cars
Price Price 1,000 yen for the first two hours. 200 yen per extra hour.
○Motorbike and bicycle parking lot (south of the castle)
Open 8:15 to 18:00 *  ****
Space Space for 10 motorbikes and 83 bicycles
Price Price per motorbike: 400 yen for the first two hours, 200 yen per extra hour
Price per bicycle: 200 yen for the first two hours., 100 yen per extra hour
  • *Hours may change to reflect castle opening hours during special events (does not apply to Parking Lot 2).
  • **Overnight parking in Parking Lot 1 is available only to coaches that include the castle in their itineraries. Presentation of documentary proof (such as a travel itinerary) is required upon arrival.
  • ***When coach parking spots are full in Parking Lot 1, coaches may be directed to Parking Lot 2 (northeast corner of the castle). March to June and September to November, the parking space configuration in Parking Lot 1 will be changed to accommodate more coaches and fewer cars.
  • **** 7:45-19:00 July 1-August 31 2020
       7:45-18:00 September 1-30 2020